One of the biggest perks of Brethren is the price point of entry which can serve as a fantastic entry for a new player. With access to the free version of the rules on the website and inexpensive models, this post will detail what you can get for a minimal amount of money. Especially useful while in a cost of living crisis as we are now.
Here are four 500 point armies (Medium sized game). Shopping list generated from: a resource I have used a number of times while building my forces for play testing.
All prices are from January 2023. Sprues come without bases but you can get ten 25mm round bases from them for 50p.
With the shopping list above, you can create the following armies…. All for less than the price of a starter force from a certain major war games company of the Sci-Fi/Fantasy variety.
These armies are all set around the year 1066 so great for a Norman invasion of Britain Campaign.
Viking Command Sprue, Viking Infantry Sprue, Dark Age Archer and Slinger Sprue
Available Unit Options:
2 x Combat Heroes
8 x Huscarls
12 x Freemen
Available Equipment:
Swords, Spears, Axes, Dane Axes, Shields, Bows, Slings, Standard, Horn
Price: £16.50 + Bases
Norman Infantry Command Sprue, Norman Infantry Sprue, Dark Age Archer and Slinger Sprue
Available Unit Options:
2 x Combat Hero
10 x Soldier
10 x Levy
Available Equipment:
Swords, Spears, Axes, Maces, Shields, Bows, Slings, Standard, Horn
Price: £16.50 + Bases
Anglo-Saxon Command Sprue, Anglo Saxon Infantry Sprue, Dark Age Archer and Slinger Sprue
Available Unit Options:
1 x Combat Hero
1 x Support Hero
7 x Huscarl
11 x Peasant
Available Equipment:
Swords, Spears, Axes, Dane Axes, Shields, Bows, Slings, Standard, Horn
Price: £16.50 + Bases
Dark Age Warriors Sprue x 3, Dark Age Archer and Slinger Sprue
Available Unit Options:
2 x Combat Hero
2 x War Dog Teams (1 Man + 3 Dogs)
22 x Peasants
Available Equipment:
Swords, Spears, Axes, Clubs, Javelins, Bows, Slings, Standard, Horn
Price: £21.50 + Bases
If you are an experienced Wargamer, someone interested in getting into the hobby or someone who loves history, this is a super fun and fast paced game that is easy to get into. Pop over to Sprue shop and get started!!
Vikings, Normans and Anglo-Saxons available from Victrixminiatures
Irish Available from Wargames Atlantic