a) Shieldwall versus shieldwall. The Hero gives the order to form shieldwall (which gives +1 defence) and then the same group of units “prepares”.
I. We were letting all the infantry units prepare. I’m now beginning to wonder if we got this wrong because infantry only have 2AP – which are used up on the shield formation?
II. The only person with an activation point left is the hero themselves, and thus only they could prepare. Having “prepared” their defence is:
4 Base
+1 Shield
+1 shieldwall
6 total
They would additionally get +1 to their attack dice roll (not attack dice) from the prepare.
b) To go into a shieldwall you have to have a shield (rules) and this includes any second rank figures?
c) Assuming you have to have a shield to enter shieldwall, then any units (including hero’s) with two handed weapons, or a weapon in each hand would not be able to be part of a shieldwall?
d) However, could a unit (i.e. a single miniature) become a second rank of a shieldwall one at a time, and thus be able to support units in the shieldwall? (We played that you could but wouldn’t get the shieldwall bonus as this has already formed.
e) The Shieldwall command lets any units (with a shield) within 3” become part of the shieldwall. Could a unit move (or run) to within 3” of the Warlord in a previous activation, and then when the Warlord activates move a further 3” to become part of the shieldwall (thus getting two movements in the same phase but for different reasons and on different activations?)
f) How many supports can a unit claim? Potentially the max would appear to be four – two touching from the rear, and one each side in the front rank (assuming they don’t have their own fights)?
I called the pike wall