Hi I played a game at PAW back in 22 and was impressed by this game as seemed better suited to skirmish than what I was used to. Have spent a lot of time since on ancient battles, especially a fully 3D printed 10mm Ilipa (over 500 figs) for the SoA Battleday this year. Wanting to do something a little smaller in scale we played through a home-spun scenario where a village was being raided from the Quick Start rules I had brought back with me. We made some mistakes but it works well enough I have now bought the pdf and the three books. We have a lot of 28mm models on 20mm square bases but plan to print some 3D conversion bases to upgrade to 25mm round so we can fight in quite a few eras, thought it might be fun to build into campaigns between big battles. Have just printed the errata sheet - thanks. I suspect once we have played a bit more we will have some more questions but this looks like the place to ask.
Hi I played a game at PAW back in 22 and was impressed by this game as seemed better suited to skirmish than what I was used to. Have spent a lot of time since on ancient battles, especially a fully 3D printed 10mm Ilipa (over 500 figs) for the SoA Battleday this year. Wanting to do something a little smaller in scale we played through a home-spun scenario where a village was being raided from the Quick Start rules I had brought back with me. We made some mistakes but it works well enough I have now bought the pdf and the three books. We have a lot of 28mm models on 20mm square bases but plan to print some 3D conversion bases to upgrade to 25mm round so we can fight in quite a few eras, thought it might be fun to build into campaigns between big battles. Have just printed the errata sheet - thanks. I suspect once we have played a bit more we will have some more questions but this looks like the place to ask.