Questions & Answers
We had a second game today (first real, non-solo game), and after the answers to yesterday's questions, we managed to complete a whole game. It was a lot of fun, though we had a few misunderstandings. which were mostly down to us.
But we have more questions!
• Can a hero without a shield give an order to figures with shields to form a shield wall?
• If a figure has a javelin and sword, can it switch between them in a turn (such as using the javelin to loose, then using the sword to defend when attacked)?
• In a melee, if B is supporting A, and A gets pushed back, does B also get pushed back (assuming A has a clear path to move back)?
• If you have multiple figures all in base to base contact during a melee, how do you decide who is fighting who?
If you had something like the following setup:
Let's say A is a hero, and Red wants to pile everything into fighting A. How do you decide which Red figures can fight A (or support those fighting A), and which have to fight B? Does Red or Blue get to decide whether C or F fights B? What if B wants to fight both C and F? Can it force that?
We did get something like this happen. In our case, everyone moved individually, rather than charging as a group. When Red have great axes, it makes a big difference whether someone attacks or supports.
My full write up of the game is here btw: